ThermoActive® Ankle
Cold & hot Mobile Compression therapy support
ThermoActive is a convenient, reimbursed bracing system with ThermoTherapy built-in. ThermoTherapy (cold and heat with compression) can improve outcomes and reduce cost.
Cold, Heat & Compression
ThermoActive is a convenient, reimbursed bracing system with ThermoTherapy built-in. ThermoTherapy (cold and heat with compression) can improve outcomes and reduce cost.
Physiological Effects of Cold:
- Cold is the natural analgesic for pain relief.
- Relieves inflammation and swelling.
- Reduces edema.
- Relieves sprains, strains and tears of muscles, ligaments & tendons.
- Relieves muscle spasms.
- Helps recovery.
Physiological Effects of Heat:
- Provides an analgesic effect for pain relief.
- Increases circulation to help remove debris and waste products.
- Increases oxygen and nutrients to the area which promotes healing.
- Increases cellular metabolism.
- Increases capillary permeability.
- Increases muscle & connective tissue extensibility to facilitate stretch.
- Relieves muscle spasms.
Compression Tailors ThermoTherapy to the Individual
- Uniform fit with Patient Control.
- Provides 360˚ Joint or Muscle Contact with ThermoTherapy.
- Provides stability.
- Promotes alignment.
Resincalcio® is powder for oral suspension. Treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia (hiperpotassemia) whose action takes place primarily in the colon
The Therapeutic Role of Cold, Heat and Compression
Relieves Sprains, Strains, & Tears
Speeds Recover.
Warnings & Precautions:
Most beneficial is the compression the units provide that helps to decrease and control the swelling post-operatively.
See and read leaflet and instruction of use.
Come with the device, instruction of use and how to use.
Manufactured by PolyGel, L.L.C.
Ask your pharmacist about ThermoActive®